miércoles, 19 de noviembre de 2014

Good and Bad Points

Hello everyone, Javier is here and today I’m going to talk about this year and how it has been for me. Personally this hasn't been the year that I expected. Well, it is true that the year has not ended yet, but if things continue going like they’re doing now, I’ll just sit somewhere and wait until this year finish. But let’s not be too melodramatic. This year has had good things of course, so I will start with them. This was a year that academically has been good in some aspects. I've traveled for archaeological fieldwork about three or four times to different places like Los Vilos, San Pedro de Atacama, Curacavi, etc. My marks have been good also, my dad found a new job and he is happier than before, also he earns more money for it, so in those lines it has been a good year. But also there are some bad things that I've experienced this year. For example Health problems with my stomach and some sleep problems, I can’t rest while I’m sleeping, so I’ve visited the doctor many times during this years. Also in emotional aspects this has been a bad year, but I think I’ll overcome to all of this things.

There are some things that I couldn't finish this year. For example, I would really like to decide in which aspect of archaeology I’ll take for my memory (thesis) for next year. I like a lot of different things in archaeology and I still doubt about it. And there is no news or any other thing that I would like to emphasize.

From now until December, I’ll try that things take a different course, and in some way I’ll try to compensate some bad aspects that this year has had.

I’m sorry if this sounds a little bit depressing but I don’t like to lie. Have a good day! :P

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