miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

A country I'd like to visit

I would like to visit Japan. I have many reasons to travel there. I can tell you that I like their millenary culture, samurai tales, the way that they are and live, etc. What I Know about Japan is that is a country located in Asia, and it’s constituted of a group of islands. It’s located in the Pacific Ocean; it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan. I also know a little bit of their history, principally about the “Feudal era” and Modern history.

I would like to do many things there. For example I would like to visit Kyoto, because of their traditional buildings with ancient architecture. Also I would like to visit many of the Shintoism temples to learn about the way that Japanese see and feel religion.

About studying, I’m thinking about doing a Master in Archaeometry there, because they laboratories are really good there and they have one of the best ranked departments.

5 comentarios:

  1. Japan seems amazing, I wish you can study there soon.

  2. Wow, Japan seems pretty good! But I'm afraid of the language. Do you know some japanese? I't so different! I don't think I would travel there, I wouldn't understand a thing about it!

  3. Hey, I think that Japan is an amazing country with many different things there... and I think that to learn Japanese would be a good challenge! Hope you can go there some day

  4. I'd like Japan, I choise it too. The culture and the samurai tales attracts me too. As well, the food and the way of living seems very interesting. Good luck if you travel there!

  5. Interesting choice...
    I started liking Japan when i watched "Lost in Traslation". You should watch this film too.
