miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014

Why did I choose to study Archaeology?

Actually I’m studying Archaeology and this is my fourth year.  But in the past I studied engineer for three years in Universidad Federico Santa Maria. After I decided to stop studying there, then I joined Bachillerato in Universidad de Chile. I really didn’t know what I wanted to study. I had many preferences. For example I wanted Archaeology, but at the same time I wanted to study mathematics. After two years I had to take a decision and I chose Archaeology. I knew few things about the way that this social science works in our country, but I’ve always liked the idea to work outside and not in an office. Also I’ve always liked to read about cultures, history, the past and those things are archaeology business. Another thing that I liked is that I can mix archaeology with History, which is one of my passions, and be able to study ethnohistory.  And the reason why I chose Universidad de Chile was simple: It was the nearest University from Valparaiso, where I live with my parents. I know that this is one of the best Universities in Chile but I wouldn’t have had any problem studying this in another city, for example Concepción or Valdivia, which are great universities too.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hi, I don't know a lot about your career but I think that it is interesting!

  2. Archaeology is the best way for you to work outside an office!
