miércoles, 15 de octubre de 2014

How green are you?

Well today it is time to talk about How green are we (Myself in this case). I think that people learn about environmentally friendly practices from their own families. For myself, my parents told me that it is important to help in any way possible to reduce pollution and contaminations, even if you just don’t drop a paper on the street or if you recycle your garbage. Personally, if we talk about these practices, I have never separated my garbage to recycle. Otherwise, I’ve always been worried about not to drop garbage on the street or in any park or square, to walk or use a bike instead of travelling in a bus or a car.

I have not joined to any eco organizations for a matter of time. Actually my time is few enough to do my work and my obligations. I would like to know if there is any chance that scientists invent new and cheap ways of clean energy and transport. For example I’ve read about energy that’s produced with the energy of sea waves and in Chile we have around four thousand kilometres of coast, so it would be very nice for us.

About reducing my carbon footprint I’ve tried to help on this way by using my legs to walk to different places instead of using a car. Also to not waste energy by turning off the lights that I am not using, etc.

Concluding on this post, I think that in our society, specifically in Latin America and Chile, there is a lack of conscience on environmental issues. We are still an economy that produces raw materials and we’re still contaminating rivers that are used to feed industrial production, etc. The only thing that matters to business men are to profit, profit and more profit going to their pockets. Everyone needs to know that if we continue polluting on this way, it is probably that we end with the entire life of this planet in a few years.

1 comentario:

  1. Ooh, i like your family i think we need to educate ourselfes and the others to comprehend the importance of this topic. Our country need to learn a lot...

